Reimagining Wedding Ceremonies

How To Officiate A Wedding Ceremony

Millions of couples get married in the United States each year, and about half of those couples have a friend or relative officiate their wedding ceremonies for them. That's A LOT of DIY wedding ceremonies!

As multi-award winning wedding officiants, who have performed over 500 wedding ceremonies in the Bay Area and Colorado during the last 8 years, we have spoken with a lot of couples about their ceremonies. Many engaged couples already know that they want their friend or relative to officiate their ceremony, but what they don’t want is the stereotypical friend-officiated wedding ceremony. You know… the one that’s two minutes long, disjointed and incohesive, full of rehashed cliches and misplaced humor.

(And their poor friends! We feel for them. We really do. The couple might have chosen them because they’ve known them since middle school, but that doesn’t make that person a writer, and the pressure on them - not only deliver the ceremony - but write it from scratch, can feel like cruel and unusual punishment.)

The ever growing friend-led ceremony stats (it’s in the millions) + the pressure on friends who are tasked with officiating them + engaged couples' disillusionment with unmemorable and/or cringe worthy DIY wedding ceremonies, gave us some serious pause. We love (and geek out on) ceremony, and we know from experience that the ceremony can be best part of the whole wedding day, so we decided to reimagine DIY wedding ceremonies - to give them a facelift and a rebrand.

DIY Wedding Ceremonies 2.0

We created a collection of pre-written wedding ceremony scripts (aka officiant speeches) in English and Spanish for couples of all faiths, backgrounds, ethnicities and orientations. These pre-written ceremony scripts are inclusive, egalitarian, intentional and modern. They can be used "as is," or they can be personalized to your heart’s content. They are well structured, well rounded, and hit all the right notes. And we made them super budget friendly so that it would be a no brainer for you.

So… instead of forcing your friends to scour the internet for what are ultimately ubiquitous, lackluster wedding ceremony traditions, ideas and sentiments, we did all the work so that you (and they) don't have to. The trend of friend and relative officiants isn't going anywhere, but engaged couples shouldn’t have to choose between having their friend officiate their ceremony and having a crappy ceremony.


Good Friend. Bad Ceremony.