Good Friend. Bad Ceremony.

why should you have to choose?

Just because your friend or relative is officiating your wedding ceremony, doesn't mean that your ceremony has to suck! No longer do your friends need to scour the interwebs, copying and pasting ad nauseam to create a wedding ceremony that just barely passes. We created a beautiful collection of heartfelt, intentional, inclusive, nonreligious ceremony scripts so that this doesn’t have to be your (or their) experience.

When Naomi's neighbor found out that she performed wedding ceremonies she told Naomi about the time her friends asked her to officiate their wedding ceremony. She was utterly unprepared for how stressful it would be to search and sort and revise and rewrite. The process caused her A LOT of stress, and she ended up with a short script that didn’t reflect the love that she felt for her friends, or the immense amount of work that she put into creating it. She was not the first person to tell Naomi this sad story, and we are certain that she will not be the last!

While we get the appeal of having your friend or relative officiate your wedding ceremony, we feel bad that the results end up being so cringe-worthy! The majority of these ceremonies are disjointed, full of rehashed cliches, lack structure and flow, and end up being, at best, entirely unmemorable, and at worst, a lesson in what not to do.

So go check out our polished, professional, unique wedding ceremony scripts on Etsy at Owl & Rose Ceremonies. You won’t be disappointed!


⁣Self-Solemnization Wedding Ceremony


Reimagining Wedding Ceremonies