A Nonreligious Wedding Ceremony Script About Growing Together

Nonreligious wedding ceremony script

Blossoming in Marriage: A Ceremony About Becoming Greater by Being Together is our newest pre-written wedding ceremony script. It is also, quite possibly, our very favorite!

In this pre-written wedding ceremony script we contemplate the magnificent coupling of New England Asters and Canada Goldenrod as a metaphor for marriage. We look to nature for clues about complementary coexistence, and symbiotic, supportive side by side growth.

“A flower unfolds to the best of its ability due to the conditions around it.” -Kuan Yin

This officiant speech also celebrates our connections, honors the ways in which they have shaped us into the people we are today, and acknowledges their impact and influence in our lives.

Like all of our pre-written wedding ceremony scripts this ceremony script is inclusive, egalitarian, gender neutral and pronoun free and ideal for nonreligious, unaffiliated, spiritual-but-not-religious and secular couples.

We hope you love it as much as we do!


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