A Unique Wedding Ceremony Script About Love, Magic, And The Power Of Intention

"Intentional Magic" (and its "Magical Intimacy" elopement counterpart) is a unique wedding ceremony script about love, magic and the power of intention. This unique wedding ceremony script explores how when we slow down and take time out - away from the frantic, frenetic, fast pace of life - we can remember that there is magic all around us all the time.

“magic isn’t what happens against all odds. Magic is the only thing that happens.”

― Martin Prechtel

Dopamine derived though it may be, the initial stages of falling in love glisten with magical feelings. We develop a spring in our step, smile easily and often, feel more vibrant and vital, and are generally more spontaneous. This unique wedding ceremony script celebrates THAT magic, but this unique wedding ceremony script doesn’t stop at that magic. This unique wedding ceremony script is also about the conscious cultivation of magic. It’s about intentional magic and magical intimacy and not just coasting on those dopamine-derived, falling-in-love-feelings.

“Magic Happens When you do not give up, even though you want to.”

― Source Unknown

We named this unique wedding ceremony script "Intentional Magic" because it lives at the intersection where the "easy magic" of new love meets the "forever intention" to sustain that love long term within in a marriage. As the ceremony subtitle says: Falling in love is magical. Staying in love is intentional.

“Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”

― Nora Roberts

To be clear: we are not using the term magic in a witchy, Wiccan or pagan way. This ceremony is not about casting spells or conjuring or doing any kind of elemental bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. It’s about cultivating magic in your marriage through intimacy and intentionality. As Alister Crowley said, “Every intentional act is a magical act.”


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