Having A Friend Or Family Member Officiate Your Wedding Ceremony?

We hate to beat a dead horse but jeez, it feels like everyday we’re told a new story about some terrible, horrible, no good, very bad wedding ceremony gone wrong. We love ceremony and we are sad that ceremonies have such a bad rap. We want to turn the tide, course correct and, well, make ceremony great again.

Make ceremony great again!

Ceremony is a universal human impulse. People have been having ceremonies worldwide for millennia so there must be something truly useful and utterly beautiful about ceremony. We definitely think so!

So we put our heads together and thought about how we could help revivify ceremony. How we could slowly, gently get people excited about ceremony again. How we could foster more beauty and goodness in a domain that is fraught with religious trauma, family drama and trillion dollar global wedding industrial machine level consumption.

extremely budget FRIENDLY, ENTIRELY stress free

Our answer (for now anyway) was ceremony. Beautiful, heartfelt, inclusive, English, Spanish and bilingual wedding ceremonies. And so we created some pre-written wedding ceremony scripts for you to use in your wedding ceremonies. We created it so it could be as stress free as possible: instantly downloadable PDF, and so budget friendly it’s a no brainer to buy. Find us on Etsy at Owl & Rose Ceremonies.


Absolute Wedding Must Haves: Ceremony Essentials Every Couple Should Know About


⁣Self-Solemnization Wedding Ceremony