Absolute Wedding Must Haves: Ceremony Essentials Every Couple Should Know About

You’ve been asked to officiate your friend’s wedding ceremony. They chose you because you’re charming and disarming. But just because you have charisma doesn't mean that you know how to create a modern, meaningful and memorable wedding ceremony.

consider the pressure off!

After helping hundreds of couples tie the knot we decided to share our ceremony smarts with all you ambitious DIYers. Why? Because over the years we’ve seen many homemade wedding ceremony scripts and, more often than not, they are utterly cringe worthy. They tend to be a random assortment of overused and cheesy concepts and cliches, and generally lack structure and cohesion.

We’re not judging!

We know how difficult it can be to put a ceremony together when you’ve never done it before. It can really take the fun out of the experience, and create unnecessary pressure, anxiety, and even resentment. We created this collection of pre-written, pro-written wedding ceremony scripts so you don’t have to pull your hair out of your head, and curse your friends under your breath. You’ll still have to deliver the thing, but that’s the fun part!

ready to use “as is”

These fully formed, ready to use “as is” pre-written wedding ceremony scripts are ideal for couples who want a nonreligious and nontraditional wedding ceremony. Our ceremonies are not preachy or patriarchal (there’s no “honor and obey” type language,) and there’s no proselytizing of any kind. These wedding ceremony scripts are mindful and meaningful and address themes like as the ebb and flow of love, the heart of commitment, maintaining the magic, brining out the best in each other and helping each other grow, and fairytale endings with a big, fat twist.

pre-written but still unique

Since we both specialize in writing original, bespoke wedding ceremonies it was very important to us to write wedding ceremony scripts that would have wide appeal and yet not feel the least bit generic. We did our best to make them stand out from the run-of-the-mill wedding ceremonies you’re used to, and don’t think these are the same ‘ol ceremonies you’ll hear at every other wedding.

make it your own

These ideal-length ceremony scripts are also customizable - so you can add poems, readings or personal stories about the couple if you feel inspired. You may even want to purchase more than one of them, then mix and match them according to your preferences. As well, we’ve included some tips to help you facilitate vow and rings exchange like a boss, and a whole page of additional resources for your convenience.

Tambien tenemos guiones de ceremonia de boda en español

We really wanted to take the stress out of DIY wedding ceremonies, and we hope that our ceremony scripts will add untold beauty and value to your special day!


Nonreligious Wedding Ceremony Scripts


Having A Friend Or Family Member Officiate Your Wedding Ceremony?