Nonreligious Wedding Ceremony Scripts

Nonreligious Wedding Ceremony Scripts

The number of Americans with no religious affiliation is ever growing. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the wedding industry. Couples are understandably over the long, stale, "who gives this bride in marriage," priest led wedding ceremonies. So what’s an engaged couple to do?! Well… 50% of the time they ask a friend or relative to perform their wedding ceremony.

Forfeiting formality in favor of a friend

Just because they’re not going the church-route, doesn't mean their only alternative should be an online-ordained friend delivering a poorly structured hodgepodge of ubiquitous ceremony ideas they found on the same exact Pinterest page as everyone else!

A resource for engaged couples

We created this collection pre-written, nonreligious wedding ceremony scripts because we wanted to provide a resource for couples who are choosing to have a friend or relative officiate their wedding ceremony. So they could both have a friend stand up with them on their special day AND have a modern, unique, you haven’t heard it all before, dogma free wedding ceremony they could feel really good about!

Sacred + Secular

All of our ceremonies can be classified as sacred-meets-secular or secular-but-still-sacred. While they are nonreligious, nontraditional, and dogma and doctrine free, they have a lot of heart, intentionality and love.


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